
The Curious Case of Half Eaten Oatmeal

So, I know that this whole blogging thing is relatively new to me - and seeing as how I also keep another blog about my actual personal life and not just dietary life I forget when I post and when I don't. I was actually writing in my other blog when it dawned on me that a) it's pretty late in the day for me to only be eating my second meal and b) I was so hungry after making said meal that I forgot to take a picture until there was less than half in the bowl. So, my apologies for the foul looking bowl of half eaten oatmeal with add ins, but it was the best I could do on short notice. 


1/2 cup quick oats made with 1 cup water
1 scoop EAS Vanilla Protein powder
1 packet equal 
Dash of cinnamon

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